Methodological research on advanced electron microscopy in microbiology and ecology


Methodological research on advanced electron microscopy in microbiology and ecology

The project is focused on the instrumental and methodological research in the field of advanced electron microscopic (EM) techniques beneficial in the morphological studies of microbiological systems with biotechnological potential. Improved methods of sample preparation and microscopic analysis will be applied in the current research on selected microorganisms that are exposed to various stressors including chemical as well as physical action. An important part of the project is the development of new carriers based on a microfluidic platform that will enable to perform cryogenic fixation by high-pressure freezing (HPF) required for EM analysis. The main aim is to employ the combination of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at room as well as cryogenic temperature, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and techniques allowing 3D reconstruction together with microfluidics and appropriate sample preparation for in-depth characterization of microorganisms and monitor their reaction to stressing environmental conditions.

Řešitel v ÚPT: 
Mgr. Kamila Hrubanová, Ph.D.
Hrubanová Kamila - Ústav přístrojové techniky AV ČR, v.v.i.
Reg. č.: 
Datum od: 
1. 1. 2021
Datum do: 
31. 12. 2022