
Long-term conceptual development 2012-2017, reg. num.: RVO:68081731

ISI No. Project title ISI investigator Functionsort descending Agency Identif. Code
232501 Non-invasive ventricular electrical activation mapping – 3D VDI mapping Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. C TA ČR FW03010434
113003 Complex Artificial Electromagnetic Structures and Nanostructures prof. Ing. Karel Bartušek, DrSc. C GA ČR GA17-00607S
824301 Breakthrough Laser Technologies for Smart Manufacturing, Space and Bio-Tech Applications doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D. C MŠMT CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004573
216001 Modulation of functional connectivity of the large scale cortical networks by STN DBS Ing. Josef Halámek, CSc. C MZ NV16-33798A
591101 Scintillation detectors for special use in SEM Ing. Vladislav Krzyžánek, Ph.D. C MPO FV30271
452503 Laserové zdroje záření a metrologie optických soustav v DUV spektrální oblasti prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. C FW03010232
463001 Coherently programmable source of nonclassical light Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C GA ČR 19-14988S
216002 STN-DBS outcomes in Parkinson´s disease: the influence of vascular, cardiovascular, metabolic, and inflammatory co-morbidities Ing. Josef Halámek, CSc. C MZ NU21-04-00445
822504 Use of laser and hybrid technologies in energy plants doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW01010293
482501 Innovative projector development for Safety and Industry 4.0 Ing. Mojmír Šerý, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW06010453
Development of “3D print-thermal spray” systems for applications with dynamic and impact loading Mgr. Josef Daniel, Ph.D. C TA ČR TH75020003
236001 Prediction of Stimulation Efficacy in Epilepsy (PRESEnCE) Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. C MZ NV19-04-00343
552301 Electron microscopy Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. C TA ČR TE01020118
144304 Modernization of the National Infrastructure for Biological Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C MŠMT CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0016045
495002 Fibre optic sensors for safety measurements in nuclear power plants during severe accidents Ing. Břetislav Mikel, Ph.D. C MV ČR VI20172020099
140001 Transforming Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy into a Clinical Tool Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C EC 316679
860102 STEDGate-enabled super-resolution multimode-fibre based holographic endoscopy for deep-tissue observations of neuronal connectivity Ing. Hana Uhlířová, Ph.D. C EC 101158010
460101 CLOck NETwork Services: Strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EC 731107
156001 Nanoliposomal systems for rapid diagnosis of thrombi by MRI doc. Ing. Radovan Jiřík, Ph.D. C MZ NV16-30299A
460904 Large Volume Metrology Applications Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EURAMET SRT_i05 LaVa
460102 Clock Network Services - Design Study Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EC 951886
592301 Electron microscopy Ing. Vladislav Krzyžánek, Ph.D. C TA ČR TE01020118
384302 Modernization of Czech-BioImaging research infrastructure Mgr. Kamila Hrubanová, Ph.D. C MŠMT CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008205
713003 Directed evolution of polyhydroxyalkanoates producing bacteria Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. C GA ČR 19-20697S
451201 Aplikace pokročilých interferometrických metod pro měření povrchů v optické výrobě prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. C MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004735
282503 Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous ECG Classification in Online Telemedicine Platform Ing. Filip Plešinger, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW01010305
Advanced methods in detection of pathogenic microorganisms and analysis the antimicrobials’ effect using Raman spectroscopy and other methods at the molecular level in optofluidic systems Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. C MZ NU21-05-00341
481102 HyPerSpec - Development of Hyperspectral Camera for Biotechnology Applications and Element Analysis Ing. Mojmír Šerý, Ph.D. C MPO FV40455
106001 Enhanced pre-surgical evaluation in drug-resistant epilepsy using machine/deep learning models Ing. Petr Klimeš, Ph.D. C MZ NU22-08-00278
552302 Electron microscopy Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. C TA ČR TE01020118
144303 National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C MŠMT LM2018129
312501 Advanced building elements for automated quality control at Factory 4.0 Mgr. Šimon Řeřucha, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW03010687
143001 Design and optimization of ultra-short echo-time sequence for reliable detection of myelin content in the human brain by magnetic Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C GA ČR GA15-12607S
840101 Super-Pixels: Redefining the way we sense the world. Stephen Simpson, Dr. C EC 829116
103301 Advanced algorithms for identification of electrophysiological features underlying encoding and recall of human memory in intracranial EEG Ing. Petr Klimeš, Ph.D. C GA ČR GF22-28594K
461201 Laser sensors for diagnostics geometric dimensions and surface defects in precision engineering Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004676
144301 National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C MŠMT LM2015062
460902 Coulomb Crystals for Clocks Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EURAMET SRT-f07 CC4C
581201 High-tech detection systems for electron microscopy doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc. C MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004693
236003 The role of ultra-high-frequency ECG in the localization of left ventricular conduction disorders and prediction of response to resynchronization therapy Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. C MZ NW24-02-00143
452301 Advanced Microscopy and Spectroscopy Platform for Research and Development in Nano and Microtechnologies - AMISPEC prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. C TA ČR TE01020233
461101 Advanced systems length measuring techniques for limiting operating conditions Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C MPO FV10336
913001 Faraday’s Scalpel: electrochemical oxygen reduction for precise neural tissue ablation MVDr. Petra Ondráčková, Ph.D. C GA ČR 23-07432S
460907 Transportable optical clocks for key comparisons Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EURAMET 22IEM01
582502 Ecological epoxy casting systems for electrical engineering applications doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc. C TA ČR TH04030007
252501 Development of in-situ techniques for characterization of materials and nanostructures doc. Ing. Alexandr Knápek, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW03010504
343002 Peculiarities of convective flows and heat transport in cryogenic helium Ing. Pavel Urban, Ph.D. C GA ČR GA17-03572S
621101 Design and manufacturing of advanced diffractive optical elements and their application to the industry doc. Ing. Vladimír Kolařík, Ph.D. C MPO FV40197
713001 Involvement of polyhydroxyalkanoates in stress response of bacteria Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. C GA ČR GA15-20645S
233001 Subcortical nuclei and cortical functions – insight from the deep brain stimulation perspective Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. C GA ČR GA 21-25953S
143002 Biodistribution and real-time monitoring of free or apoferritin-encapsulated charged cholinesterase reactivators Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C GA ČR GA22-14568S
462101 Set of elements for photonics communication Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C TA ČR TH01011254
153002 Magnetic resonance perfusion imaging using compressed sensing doc. Ing. Radovan Jiřík, Ph.D. C GA ČR GA16-13830S
140101 INSPiRE-MEDINSPIRE-MED INtegrating Magnetic Resonance SPectroscopy and Multimodal Imaging for Research and Education in MEDicine Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C EC 813120
572301 Electron microscopy Mgr. Zuzana Pokorná, Ph.D. C TA ČR TE01020118
460908 High-accuracy ion-based optical clocks Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EURAMET 23FUN03 HIOC
713301 Ecological role of polyhydroxyalkanoates in cyanobacteria Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. C GA ČR 19-29651L
481101 Micro and Nano Optics for Controled Light Directing from LED Sources Ing. Mojmír Šerý, Ph.D. C MPO FV10618
713004 Self-entrapment of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria by gelation of their exopolysaccharides – towards the next-generation bioinoculants Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. C GA ČR 23-06757S
581203 Integrated mass spectrometer with ionization detector of electrons for ESEM and SEM doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc. C MPO CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000618
583002 The Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Chemical Compounds in Ice within the Environmental and Pharmaceutical Domains doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc. C TA ČR 19-08239S
422001 The developement of new types of solar absorbers Ing. Petr Jedlička, Ph.D. C TA ČR TA04020456
581202 High-tech cooling sample holder with integrated detection of electrons and control software for optimization of the thermodynamic conditions in the ESEM specimen chambre doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc. C MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_176/0015020
144305 National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C MŠMT LM2023050
144302 Modernization and support of research activities of the national infrastructure for biological and medical imaging Czech-BioImaging Ing. Zenon Starčuk, CSc. C MŠMT CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001775
465001 Security risks of photonic communication networks Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C MV ČR VJ01010035
622301 Electron microscopy doc. Ing. Alexandr Knápek, Ph.D. C TA ČR TE01020118
460103 Czech National Quantum Communication Infrastructure Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EC 101091684
TSCAC Two-species composite atomic clocks Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EURAMET SRT-f02 TSCAC
550001 Sources, Interaction with Matter, Detection and Analysis of Low Energy Electrons 2 Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. C EC FP7 606988 SIMDALEE2
242501 Integrated telemedical system for early detection of peripheral perfusion disorders, monitoring and personalized application of non-invasive therapies with a specific focus on patients with chronic diseases Ing. Vlastimil Vondra, Dr. C TA ČR FW01010543
443001 Directed evolution of dynamical elements in enzymes using microfluidic chips prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. C GA ČR GA16-07965S
562301 Electron microscopy RNDr. Luděk Frank, DrSc. C TA ČR TE01020118
821202 Narran s.r.o. - Application 1 - Modular hybrid Laser-MIG welding head doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D. C MPO CZ.01.01.01/01/22_002/0000500
491201 Optical sensor systems calibration and specialty sensors for nuclear power plants Ing. Břetislav Mikel, Ph.D. C MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004506
Improvement in liver disease diagnosis using advanced quantitative methods of magnetic resonance Ing. Radim Kořínek, Ph.D. C MŠMT 7AMB18AT023
612301 Electron microscopy Mgr. Aleš Paták, Ph.D. C TA ČR TE01020118
710101 Ultra-Fast Chemical Analysis Imaging With Raman Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. C EC 101135175
Ultra-high-frequency ECG for prediction of adverse left ventricular remodeling in permanent right ventricular pacing Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. C MZ NU21-02-00584
492501 Nonlinear diffraction fiber elements for sensor systems Ing. Břetislav Mikel, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW01010379
282504 Remote Therapy in Heart Failure Patients Using Artificial Intelligence and Fusion of Multimodal Inputs Ing. Filip Plešinger, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW06010766
Academic TTO Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. C MŠMT CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_014/0000626
112501 Development of analytical platform for monitoring microplastics circulation in agricultural production Mgr. Silvie Bernatová, Ph.D. C TA ČR SS06020224
272501 Robotic system for the detection of metabolic substances and pathogens in plants in order to increase the production of medicinal substances Ing. Jan Ježek, Ph.D. C TA ČR FW03010535
232201 Advanced technology for non-invasive diagnostics of heart electro-mechanics - VDI monitor Ing. Pavel Jurák, CSc. C MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_019/0004993
460905 18SIB06 TiFOON - Advanced time/frequency comparison and dissemination through optical telecommunication networks Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. C EURAMET 18SIB06 TiFOON
552303 Electron microscopy Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. C TA ČR TE01020118
343003 Interplay of convective heat transfer and turbulent flows with rotation in classical and quantum phases of cryogenic helium Ing. Pavel Urban, Ph.D. C GA ČR GA-20-00918S
713002 Structure, transport and controlled release properties of hydrogels with integrated hydrophobic nanocontainers Mgr. Ota Samek, Dr. C GA ČR GA16-12477S
464301 Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Metrology with Cold Quantum Objects and Fibre Networks Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. I MŠMT CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008460
503001 Reduction of afterglow of scintillators for electron detectors in SEM RNDr. Petr Schauer, CSc. I GA ČR GA16-05631S
478501 Investigation of electron scattering on two-dimensional crystalline materials at very low energies Ing. Jakub Piňos I AV ČR L100652301
593002 Quantitative imaging of beam sensitive samples using correlative signal detection in a cryo-SEM Ing. Vladislav Krzyžánek, Ph.D. I GA ČR GA17-15451S
495004 Metody vzdáleného monitorování úrovně ionizujícího záření s energetickým rozlišením zdrojů Ing. Břetislav Mikel, Ph.D. I MV ČR VB02000063
444301 ALISI - Centre of advanced diagnostic methods and technologies prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. I MŠMT LO1212
458501 International Travelling Summer School on Microwaves and Lightwaves prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. I AV ČR VVAM-18-06
983001 Nanophotonics with hybrid DNA origami structures Mgr. Alexandr Jonáš, Ph.D. I GA ČR GA24-11503S
552304 Centre of Electron and Photonic Optics Ing. Ilona Müllerová, DrSc. I TA ČR TN01000008
242001 Ulra high frequency ECG system for early diagnosis of heart diseases Ing. Vlastimil Vondra, Dr. I TA ČR TA04011025
633001 Probing electron scattering phenomena of two-dimensional crystalline materials at very low energies Mgr. Eliška Materna Mikmeková, Ph.D. MBA I GA ČR GA22-34286S
Optical forces acting on plasmonic nanoparticles as a tool for SERS bioassays fabrication Mgr. Silvie Bernatová, Ph.D. I AV ČR MSM100652101
104301 Seizure Onset Zone localization and advanced analysis of high-frequency intracranial EEG Ing. Petr Klimeš, Ph.D. I MŠMT LTAUSA18
618505 Cutting-edge electron microscopy: A novel insight into advanced lightweight structural materials Ing. Mgr. Šárka Mikmeková, Ph.D. I AV ČR JSPS-22-12
442502 Centre of Advanced Electron and Photonic Optics prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. I TA ČR TN02000020
448509 Classical and quantum optomechanics with levitated nanoobjects prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. I AV ČR AP2002
334301 Support of membership in Science and Technology Council of the International Institute of Refrigeration Ing. Aleš Srnka, CSc. I MŠMT LTV17024
593004 Advanced cryo-optofluidic platform for correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) Ing. Vladislav Krzyžánek, Ph.D. I GA ČR 23-07962S
178502 Abdominal water-fat MR imaging and quantification at ultra-high fields Ing. Radim Kořínek, Ph.D. I AV ČR MSM100651801
444304 Quantum Engineering and Nanotechnology prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. I MŠMT CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004649
822503 Advanced laser welding methods for the automotive industry doc. RNDr. Libor Mrňa, Ph.D. I TA ČR TH04010366
288501 Ventricular dyssynchrony assessment based on time-spatial distribution of high frequency QRS signals Ing. Filip Plešinger, Ph.D. I AV ČR MSM100651602
783001 Methods of laser spectroscopy with optical frequency references based on photonic crystal fibers filled by molecular iodine Ing. Jan Hrabina, Ph.D. I GA ČR GA15-18430S
452505 Support for "Proof-of-Concept" activities at the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i. prof. Ing. Josef Lazar, Dr. I TA ČR TQ11000042
465002 Quantum encrypted communication with increased physical layer security Ing. Ondřej Číp, Ph.D. I MV ČR VK01030193
443002 Multidimensional nonlinear optomechanics of levitated nanosystems prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. I GA ČR 19-17765S
618503 Laboratory of advanced steels microstructural classification by artificial intelligence meth Ing. Mgr. Šárka Mikmeková, Ph.D. I AV ČR LQ100652201
588501 Studie vlastností ledovýchz vzorků pomocí environmentální elektronové mikroskopie Mgr. Lubica Vetráková, Ph.D. I
600901 Single-fibre based holographic endoscope for observations of stroke in deep brain structure prof. Mgr. Tomáš Čižmár, Ph.D. I EC 101082088
604301 Holographic endoscopy for in vivo applications prof. Mgr. Tomáš Čižmár, Ph.D. I MŠMT CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/15_003/0000476
481201 Technology for advanced optics and its industrial application Ing. Mojmír Šerý, Ph.D. I MPO CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_262/0020294
208501 Výzkum nanostrukturních modifikací stavebních pojiv kombinací metod environmentální elektronové mikroskopie a fyzkálně chemických analýz Ing. Eva Soukupová, Ph.D. I AV ČR L100651601
625001 Diffractive and refractive optics for advanced document security doc. Ing. Vladimír Kolařík, Ph.D. I MV ČR Vl3VS/735
625002 Development of innovative diffractive devices for advanced security of products, valuables and documents doc. Ing. Vladimír Kolařík, Ph.D. I MV ČR VK01010026
223301 Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in turbulent convection in cryogenic helium at high Rayleigh numbers Mgr. Michal Macek, Ph.D. I GA 21-06012J
153003 Multi-Contrast Quantification of Perfusion Using Joint Magnetic Resonance Contrast-Enhanced and Arterial-Spin-Labeling Approaches doc. Ing. Radovan Jiřík, Ph.D. I GA ČR GA22-10953S
178501 Implementace MR technik pro kvantifikaci tukové frakce v silných magnetických polích. Ing. Radim Kořínek, Ph.D. I AV ČR L100651651
753002 Opto-mechanics of colloidal photonic structures in under-damped regime Mgr. Oto Brzobohatý Ph.D. I GA ČR 18-27546S
753301 Cavity mediated interactions between levitated particles Mgr. Oto Brzobohatý Ph.D. I GA ČR 21-19245K
224301 Quantum-Classical Ultimate Turbulence Analogies in Heat Transfer Mgr. Michal Macek, Ph.D. I MŠMT CZ02269/00/00/18_070/0009944
213002 Analytical methods for advanced identification of ventricular dyssynchrony Ing. Josef Halámek, CSc. I GA ČR GA17-13830S
495003 Methods of the scintillation radiation measurement and transfer based on opt fibers with respect to energy of ionizing radiation Ing. Břetislav Mikel, Ph.D. I MV ČR VI3VS/730
788503 Compact frequency reference based on a micrometric cell Ing. Jan Hrabina, Ph.D. I AV ČR CNRS-22-14
Methodological research on advanced electron microscopy in microbiology and ecology Mgr. Kamila Hrubanová, Ph.D. I AV ČR MSM100652102
578501 Dynamic impact test as a method of analyses of mechanical properties of protective coatings used in industry Mgr. Josef Daniel, Ph.D. I AV ČR L100651901
583004 Correlative Fluorescence Microscopy and Advanced Low-energy ESEM for Imaging of Immuno- Labelled Wet Biological Samples doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc. I GA ČR GA22-25799S
722401 Commercialization of the research results of the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS, v. v. i. Ing. Bohdan Růžička, Ph.D., MBA I TA ČR TG03010046
443003 Semiclassical Nonlinear Electro-Optical Levitation prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. I GA ČR 23-06224S
583003 Advanced simulations of electron-gas interactions for high-efficiency detection of secondary electrons under dynamic in-situ experiments in ESEM. doc. Ing. et Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., DSc. I GA ČR 19-03909S
443201 Center of Excellence for Classical and Quantum Interactions in Nanoworld prof. RNDr. Pavel Zemánek, Ph.D. I GA ČR GB14-36681G
593003 Quantitative low energy 4D-STEM imaging of beam sensitive samples Ing. Vladislav Krzyžánek, Ph.D. I GA ČR GA 21-13541S
788901 Využití fotonických služeb e-infrastruktury pro přenosy optických kmitočtů produktovaných vláknovými referencemi Ing. Jan Hrabina, Ph.D. I CESNET 634R1/2018
103001 Macro and micro scale of high frequency epileptiform activity within human brain Ing. Petr Klimeš, Ph.D. I GA ČR GA22-28784S
323001 Single particle tracking through a multimode fiber endoscope for exploring the extracellular space in mouse brain Johanna Traegaardh, Dr. Ř GA ČR GA22-27726S